Monday, August 8, 2011


Many say life is what you make it.  I agree.  Having reached 60 years of age this year I can tell you that life IS what you make it.  Many people my age tend to talk about how many meds they're on, what operations they've had and what pills they're taking.  The rest complain about things they have no control over.  I figured out many years ago that there's very little you can do much about.  To worry about things you have no control over is a true waste of time.  I read posts on Facebook where someone asks you if you agree please repost.  Before you spend any amount of energy doing anything ask yourself if it will make a difference.  Most of us will have a hard time getting our neighbors to do something we need of them, let alone thinking that our representatives in either Olympia or Washingtron, DC give a rats ass about what we think.  All they think about is getting relected.  That means finding contributors with deep pockets.  I went to high school with Jay Inslee.  Do you think he'd give me the time of day?  Maybe if I represented a PAC, union or large corporation.  If you want to enjoy life, find people that think like you and hang around with them.  Arguing about politics, religion or the 1988 Seahawks is a waste of time.  We all have an opinion.  Unless someone asks you for yours, keep it to yourself.  It will make everyone elses life much more enjoyable!