Thursday, April 7, 2011

No fees please!

 The Seattle Times recently had an article in it about certain fees possibly going up.  No kidding.  Olympia is in a state of emergency and us folks residing here are all they have to help fix the mess they got us in.  Sure, they tack a little extra on rental cars and hotels, but for the most part, it's us hard working folks that pay the way.  Sooner or later we're going to be taxed right out of our homes, cars and jobs if they don't knock it off!  How high do they think they can run the cost of a drivers license up before people just say screw it and go without one? 
    Not everyone living here is a millionaire and can afford whatever price increases come along.  Many of us are struggling to put food on the table and keep the lights burning.  Wake up Olympia and try going without for a change.  Just say NO to new projects for awhile.  I say NO to going out to dinner.  Sell some stuff on ebay to pay the bills.  We are!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Spring cleaning.

     The idea of moving to Maui is still strong in our minds.  So much so, I listed my Corvette for sale.  Someone is supposed to come and look at it tomorrow night.  We'll see.  People call, but don't show or call to say they are no longer intrerested.  Anyway, my neighbor said he'd pay for the thing to get towed to his mechanic and pay for whatever repairs are needed.  How do you turn that down?  So his guy has it and with any luck I will get it back tomorrow.  In the meantime, we've been going through every closet and all the attics digging stuff out and putting lots of it on ebay.  For many years I've collected and just put stuff in the attic.  If you're at all curious what I'm selling click on this link  Maybe you'll find something you want!  I'm also going to sell some of my pinball and arcade machines.  Lets be honest here folks, I never go up there to play them.  The arcade machines were for the kids.  The kids are all gone.  I'll keep one of the pinball machines and maybe one arcade machine.  One is pretty cool.  It's a 4-slot Neo Geo and they're still used in arcades today.  You can put 4 different cartridges in for players to pick from.  Most of the time you find 2-slot machines.  The carts aren't that bad to buy.  I'm also planning on selling my 2 slot machines.  Not sure how that will go down.  They're still used in Japan so I'm guessing this state my view them as gambling machines.  OMG, we wouldn't want anybody doing that!  The pachinko machine has to go, too.  Did I mention anything you want yet??  There's more. 

     I told my son today that I really never gave it much thought while I was amassing this stuff as to when I thought that day would come when I'd get rid of it.  I guess in the back of my mind I knew this day would come I just never knew what would make it happen.  Maybe I thought the kids would just get it and deal with it.  A good friend of mine collects so many different things that it's hard to walk through his place.  Ceiling to floor and wall to wall stuff.  I think his last move took him 2 weeks.  Anyway, he told me the other day that he has no desire to get rid of anything.  Why collect it if you're just going to get rid of it?  Ya know, a ballon can only take so much air then it explodes!  Lucky for him he's not a drinker or drug user 'cuz he could accidentally trip over something, hurt himself falling down and lay there for awhile. 

     So for the next few days I'll continue looking in closets, attics and behind things that haven't been moved for awhile.  If anyone reading this knows what to do with old newspapers, besides burning or recycling them, let me know.  I have some that date back many years.  I kept them for the headlines.  I'm going to keep a few, but the rest have to go.  I'd like to see someone get them that would do the right thing with them.  Not sure what that is.  Maybe it is burning or recycling them.  It would be a shame but I can't nor do I want to keep it all any longer!