Thursday, April 7, 2011

No fees please!

 The Seattle Times recently had an article in it about certain fees possibly going up.  No kidding.  Olympia is in a state of emergency and us folks residing here are all they have to help fix the mess they got us in.  Sure, they tack a little extra on rental cars and hotels, but for the most part, it's us hard working folks that pay the way.  Sooner or later we're going to be taxed right out of our homes, cars and jobs if they don't knock it off!  How high do they think they can run the cost of a drivers license up before people just say screw it and go without one? 
    Not everyone living here is a millionaire and can afford whatever price increases come along.  Many of us are struggling to put food on the table and keep the lights burning.  Wake up Olympia and try going without for a change.  Just say NO to new projects for awhile.  I say NO to going out to dinner.  Sell some stuff on ebay to pay the bills.  We are!

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