Thursday, November 3, 2011

Mexican drug cartels.

I was watching a documentary style show on TV today and was shocked by the number of drug cartel related deaths that have happened in Mexico since 2006. 41,000 was the number reported. Blame has been directly linked to this country in numerous ways. The top 2 look like this:

1. The USA is the biggest buyer of illegal drugs.
2. It's very easy to purchase assault weapons in this country and take them to Mexico.

It's no secret that drug use in this country is rampant. All of the money that us tax payers fork over to support the effort to try and stop the flow and usage, is a waste of time and money. We spend untold millions and the drugs still get through. Not to mention that our agents are getting killed trying to do the right thing. Whatever we're doing isn't working, yet we keep on doing the same thing.

A recent TV documentary showed how easy it is to walk into any gun shop or gun show in Texas and buy an assault rifle. In fact, the show I watched showed 2 guys buying multiple weapons, then being approached in the parking lot to see if the weapons were for sale! To top that off, our own FBI ran an OP called Fast and Furious, in which they let 1,765 guns go to Mexico, over a 15 month period, in hopes of following them to the major arms dealers that then supply the cartels. Problem was, the FBI "somehow" lost sight of the guns and no arrests have been made! Many of these weapons have been tracked to various killings in Mexico, including the killing of Customs and Border Protection agent Brian Terry.

Because billions are at stake, the various drug cartels aren't giving up without a fight. Slowly but surely they're finding new methods of getting their product to market. Throw away submarines are one of the newest methods. They can build a 100' submarine for two million dollars that can carry $400 million dollars worth of product and discard the sub when they're done with it.

If I sound worried about this, I am. The long arm of the cartels is reaching further and further into the daily lives of US citizens. The "US Department of Justice National Drug Intelligence Center, says the Juarez and Sinaloa cartels are active in five Colorado cities." More than likely, that's just the tip of the iceberg. For many years the mass killings were in Colombia, now we don't hear about Colombia anymore 'cuz it looks like those operations have moved in to Mexico. In case you haven't noticed, Mexico is just south of our border.

Perhaps it's time for this country to invade Mexico . We've been known to do that in countries like Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan, Viet Nam and a few others. This time the prize might be one that will have a long lasting affect on the citizens of this country. Whether we want to believe it or not, we're at war with the cartels and until we step up and show them we mean business, business will be conducted like it has been. I'm not sure why 41,000 people dying at the hands of drug cartels isn't prompting us to do more than we are. We bristle when leaders like Saddam kill their own people, why is this not something we want to stop? I guess until our government figures out a way to make money off it it's business as usual for them, too!

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