Sunday, June 10, 2012

3D Movies

One thing I hate to come off as is is a complainer.  (When older people get together it's what we seem to do.)  I find myself questioning things.  Why is the price of gas so high here vs. other places in the country?  It isn't 'cuz I remember many moons ago when the price of a gallon of gas was 19 cents compared to $4.55 now.  Everything has gone up in price.  But $4.55??

Going to a movie is one thing that has gone up in price.  We went to see Prometheus in 3D IMAX the other night.  Lord knows there'd been plenty of hype prior, so we bought our tickets online, not wanting to stand in line at the box office.  Sure enough, the theatre filled up.  It was time to put our glasses on.

I guess a lot of what this movie's story was about was lost on me.  Apparently it was about where the  aliens came from in the Alien series.  I went to see a movie and be entertained by this story.  After we all got in the car, not one of the 4 of us gave this movie more than a 2 out of 4 stars.  For starters, we all questioned why it was in 3D.  Nothing jumped out at you, which to me is the reason why you want to see something in 3D, yes?  You want to get the feeling that you're attached in a minor way to the action on the screen, not just sitting in your seat like a normal movie in 2D.  That's why we shelled out $18.00! 

Having been to Disneyland, Disney World, Universal Studios on both coasts, MGM Studios and numerous 3D IMAX theatres, I know what we're being fed in the theatres we see movies in can be better.  There wasn't one time when the audience jumped or responded together 'cuz something on the screen startled us.  Not once.  You won't say that after going to Universal Studios and watching Terminator 2 in 3D!  Perhaps crowds are going 'cuz we all hope this one will finally give us the 3D we've been waiting for.

The only 3D movie I did like was Avatar.  I haven't seen them all, but now I'll be content with just seeing movies in 2D.  That is, until someone tells me that some movie has finally done what they do every day at Disneyland or Universal Studios.......make me jump!

Big Dogg....out!

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