Monday, June 24, 2013

Immigration Revisited

There are many issues that should be on our plate.  Immigration is one that continually bothers me.  Perhaps I should say "illegal" immigration. 

I'm a 62 year old house painter and guess what industry the folks from Mexico are taking over? Did you say CEO positions of major corporations? Sorry, but you're wrong. Whenever I go in to a paint store, Mexicans are pretty much all I see now days. They live 6 to a one room apartment, work hard and cheap and still manage to send money home every week/month. It's no secret. My brother used to work for a pretty large painting company and they hired a lot of them. All the big companies do. Again, it's no secret. Have you driven by a Home Desperate, I mean Depot? They line the roads in and out. Are the folks from INS making daily sweeps? I doubt it. The State can find me whenever they want 'cuz I have to follow all the rules and choose to show everyone who I am by painting the name of my business on the side of my truck. (Something not all legitimate tradesmen do. They don't want the State knowing where they are. A State inspector saw our trucks at a job site and stopped by. He has the power to do an awful lot. I got fined $1,000.00 because something to do with the State wasn't in good standing. Just what I needed in January!)

I read a story last week about US putting up another 700 miles of fencing along the US/Mexico border. Sounds like a plan to me. Apparently there's some concern about cost. Really? Take prisoners out of prison and let them build it. Too bad if they don't want to. (Last time I looked, many of them have it better behind bars vs. a lot of people on the outside!) Encouragement can be in the form of extra pennies per hour. We can put some towers every so often with powerful lights on top and platforms up there so guys with rifles can stand. I don't say we have to shoot to kill, but we could use rubber bullets. It's all about detering them.

I also read a story recently where certain States are going to make it easier for illegals to get a drivers license. Washington being one. What's next? A house and a car?? A tremendous amount of them collect Welfare, too. Don't want things to be too tough. They might go home!

Here's something I pulled off the internet while looking for info. Pretty much sums it all up.

"Mark HillyardMon, 07/16/2012 - 4:06PM

I’m a regular white guy here in CA. I’ve been helping a 58 yr. old guy try to get back on his feet since he lost all, including his home, in a mean divorce, and sickness from running a squab business. I let him keep his only possesion on my property, his horse, otherwise he’d have to get rid of it. He needs work and works hard for me when I have a job for him. He’s also a house painter but the jobs are taken up by mexicans and it’s always the same for him, no work for you white boy. He talks to people, runs ads and does what he can to find work. He’s also trying not to hate the illegals, he says, “it aint’ good to hate people.”"

I don't like hating anybody either, but I'm finding myself being a bit more vitriolic towards them than before. I have light at the end of my tunnel due to retirement up ahead, but what about my son? He's 29 and is in line to take over the family business my father started in 1953 and passed down to me on 12/31/1999. Will he eventually be in the same position the guy in California found himself in? If I had to guess, I'd say yes.

For some reason, we're wanting to coddle these people and I don't know why. We weren't afraid of what the rest of the world said about US when we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan.  I don't condone US doing what we did over there, killing close to 200,000, but something has to change or we'll be fighting to get English used in our schools!

Big Dogg Out! 

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