Friday, June 20, 2014

Measure This Quiz - #1

Measure This Quiz - #1
Get Your Calculator Ready!

1.       How many cups are in a gallon?  A. 8  B. 12  C. 16.

2.       A mile is this many inches long.  A. 62,540  B. 63,360  C. 64,650.

3.       On average, the moon is how far from earth?  A. 238,857 miles  B. 225,657 miles  C. 243,557 miles.

4.       The distance as the crow flies from Seattle to Paris is?  A. 4,980 miles  B. 5,010 miles  C. 5,230 miles.

5.       A major league pitcher throws a ball this far to home plate.  A. 59’6”  B. 60’6”  C. 61’6”

6.       Speaking of baseball, how far apart are the bases?  A. 90’  B. 85’  C. 92’

7.       An NFL playing field is how many feet wide?  A. 165’  B. 170’  C. 160’.

8.       On a basketball court, how far is it from foul line to the backboard?  A. 15’  B. 12’  C. 10’.

9.       How do you get the square footage of a room?  A. Multiply length of wall A x length of wall B  B. Multiply height of wall A x height of wall B  C. Ask someone else.

10.   A standard bottle of beer in the US has how many ounces in it?  A. 10  B. 12  C. 14.

11.   Two kilometers = ____ miles?  A. 1.24345279  B. 1.24274275  C. 1.24274238.

12.   There are _____ teaspoons in one cup.  A. 32  B. 42  C. 48.

13.   Eight furlongs equals?  A. 1 statute mile B. 1 quarter mile  C. 5 eights mile.

14.   How many square inches are in one square foot?  A. 88  B. 128  C. 144.

15.   How many degrees are in a straight angle?  A. 90  B. 120  C. 180.

16.   A pound has this many ounces in it.  A. 10  B. 16  C. 24.

17.   How many pecks are in one bushel?  A. 4  B. 8  C. A mommy, daddy and 2 babies.

18.   There are ___ cubic feet in 1 cubic yard.  A. 12  B. 27  C. 32.

19.   The circumference of the earth at the equator is how many miles?  A. 24,901.55.  B. 25,010.34  C. 25,332.65.

20.   The sun is  __________ miles from earth.  A. 88 million miles  B. 90 million miles  C. 93 million miles.

21.   On The Beatles “Abbey Road” album the song “Her Majesty” appeared.  It was their shortest.  How short?  A. 48 seconds  B. 38 seconds  C. 23 seconds.




Answers below







1.       C. 4 cups in quart x 4 quarts in a gallon.

2.       B. 5,280 feet x 12.

3.       A. Depends on where you land, but on “average” this is the answer.

4.       B. 5,010 miles.

5.       B. From the rubber one of his feet has to touch to the leading edge of home plate it’s 60’6”.

6.       A. 90’.

7.       C. 160’.

8.       A. 15’ to the face of the backboard.

9.       A.

10.   B.  12.

11.   C. 1.24274238.

12.   C. 48.

13.   A.  1 statute mile.

14.   C. 12 x 12 = 144.

15.   C.  Half a full circle is 180. 

16.   B. 16.

17.   A. 4.

18.   B.  27 cubic feet = 1 cubic ft.

19.   A. 24,901.55 miles.

20.   C. 93 million miles.

21.   C. 23 seconds.

Credit must be given to Wikipedia and my brain. 

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