Friday, January 20, 2012

Unsolved Crimes.

If it weren't for non-fiction crime books and true crime TV shows, I wouldn't read many books nor view much TV.  In case you don't watch TV, there are a lot of shows on that profile real crimes and they're not always solved.  I'm sure if you stop and think you can come up with a major crime that hasn't been solved where you live.  In Seattle, the case of Tom Wales comes to mind for me.  Thomas C. Wales was an American Federal Prosceutor and a gun control advocate.  He was gunned down while on his computer at home on Octonber 11th, 2001.  For more about Thomas, please click on this link

This is one of those cold cases that will go unsolved for who knows how long.  Someone knows something, but isn't talking.  We've all heard about where Jimmy Hoffa is supposed to be buried.  Perhaps if the right amount of money were offered, the right person would step forward.  There are lots of cases like that.  We've been conditioned to think that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.  I don't buy it.  In my mind, the CIA had something to do with it.  But we'll never know 'cuz those involved are taking what happened to their graves!  Here's how I think we solve some of the crimes that haven't been solved.

How about we dedicate one channel on cable TV to constantly run Washingtons Most Wanted.  Some days it shows unsolved cases.  Once a week it airs America's Most Wanted.  We could take some of the drug money that's seized and offer it up for rewards.  You offer enough and maybe we find where Jimmy Hoffa is buried!  Bottom line is, someone knows who killed him and where he's buried.  The same goes for unsolved crimes where we live.  Make the cases known to us and perhaps we can help solve them.  What are we afraid of?  Success??  I'm guessing someone knows who DB Cooper was, but they don't want to say anything.  Wave some Benjamins around and just maybe one of these years we talk about good tasting turkey instead of how many years ago DB Cooper jumped from a plane as it left Seattle headed south to Portland.

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