Friday, January 20, 2012

The War On Drugs

There's no question in my mind that we're losing the war on drugs. If we were really serious about fighting it, every car, all containers and each airplane would be searched as they set foot on our soil. Yes, all traffic would come to a halt, but we all know that drugs are arriving here daily and most aren't produced here.  All we're doing is maintaining an effort to stop drugs. It's almost like a jobs program. Roughly ten percent of the drugs coming into this country are found. If your starting point guard only made ten percent of their shots or completed ten percent of their passes, they'd be cut from the team. But we accept ten percent success when it comes to eradicating drugs from the American public. Go figure. It's time we change how we fight this problem. You can't get rid of a recurring bladder infection by constantly taking meds for the symptoms. You have to look beyond the symptoms and see what's causing said infections and treat what's causing them. Instead of waiting for the drugs to get here, why not go and eradicate the problem where it begins?

I'm sorry if the people that grow the plants that produce the drugs that eventually come and kill our people rely solely on growing poppy plants for their livelihood. Not my problem. What is my problem is when some drug induced person mugs me when they're out of money. That's my problem. We had no problem invading Iraq, yes? The search for WMD was the reason given for our intrusion. Then we slipped into Afghanistan to try and find Bin Laden. Eventually he was found in neighboring Pakistan, which, by the way, we had no problem entering also. For all those years, billions and billions of dollars were spent and thousands of lives were lost looking for WMD and tracking down Bin Laden. (No WMD were ever found.)  

My point here is this. If we're serious about getting rid of the drug problem, we go to where the drugs come from and eradicate the problem there. We didn't wait for Bin Laden to come here to take him out, we went to where we thought he was.  Same thing can be said for ending the war on drugs.  You with me or against me?

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