Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Where Are These Buildings Located?

Where Are These Buildings Located? - Quiz #1

I knew that.


1.      The Space Needle rotates in this city.

2.      The Eiffel Tower sticks out in this city.

3.      The Burj Al Arab is a highlight in this city’s skyline.

4.      Taj Mahal looms here.

5.      Name the city where the Petronas Towers are.

6.      The Pantheon lives here.

7.      The Gateway Arch hovers in this city.

8.      The world's tallest inclined tower is the tower of Olympic Stadium in?

9.      The CN Tower is found in this city.

10.  The Stratosphere adorns this city’s skyline.

11.  I would find Reunion Tower in this city.

12.  Where is The Kremlin located?

13.  Turning Torso Building turns heads in this city.

14.  Torre Agbar building calls this city home.

15.  Two International Finance Center can be seen here.

16.  Kingdom Center sticks out in this city.

17.  Transamerica Pyramid points up here.

18.  Bitexco Financial Tower can be seen in this city.

19.  The Tuntex Sky Tower houses people in this city.

20.  Jin Mao Building can be visited here.




Answers below


1.    Seattle, Washington.

2.    Paris, France.

3.    Dubai.

4.    Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India.

5.    Kuala, Lumpur, Malaysia.

6.    Rome.

7.    St. Louis, MO.

8.    Montreal, Quebec.

9.    Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

10.  Las Vegas.

11.  Dallas, Texas.

12.  Moscow, Russia.

13.  Malmo, Sweden.

14.  Barcelona, Spain.

15.  Hong Kong.

16.  Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

17.  San Francisco.

18.  Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

19.  Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

20.  Shanghai, China.

Credit must be given to Wikipedia and my brain

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