Friday, March 7, 2014

What Does That Word Mean - Quiz

Match a Word In Column “A” With a Meaning In Column “B”

The correct matching letter is below!


                A                                                                        B

1.      Flatulence                                                   A.  Deliberate or conscious neglect

2.      Commotion                                                B.   Pleasing effect to the ear

3.      Dereliction                                                  C.   An open space in a forest

4.      Fixate                                                           D.  Browbeaten or defeated

5.      Hangdog                                                      E.   Gas generated in the stomach or bowels

6.      Involuted                                                     F.   A load, as in hay or wood

7.      Kemp                                                           G.   Sexually unrestrained

8.      Martin                                                         H.   A strong brave warrior

9.      Neoprene                                                     I.   Make stable or stationary

10.  Opulence                                                      J.  Curving or curling inward

11.  Ruck                                                             K.   An oil-resistant synthetic rubber

12.  Tenancy                                                       L.   Wealth, riches or affluence

13.  Assent                                                          M.  Violent or tumultuous motion

14.  Ugh                                                               N.  Any of several swallows

15.  Writhe                                                         O.  An introductory statement

16.  Incuse                                                          P.   A large number or quantity 

17.  Xyster                                                          Q.   Having a notched edge or saw-like teeth

18.  Vacous                                                         R.  A holding, as of lands

19.  Bleat                                                             S.  To agree or concur

20.  Zaftig                                                            T.  An exclamation expressing disgust

21. Serrated                                                       U. Without contents.  Empty

22. Preamble                                                      V. To twist the body about or s

23. Licentious                                                    W.  A surgical instrument for scraping bones

24. Jag                                                                 X.  Hammered or stamped in as a figure on a coin

25. Glade                                                            Y.  Having a plump and sexually attractive figure

26. Euphony                                                       Z.  To utter the cry of a sheep, goat or calf                                     



Answers below



1.      = E.

2.      = M.

3.      = A.

4.      = I.

5.      = D.

6.      = J.

7.      = H.

8.      = N.

9.      = K.

10.  = L.

11.  = P.

12.  = R.

13.  = S.

14.  = T.

15.  = V.

16.  = X.

17.  = W.

18.  = U.

19.  = Z.

20.  = Y.

21.  = Q.

22.  = O.

23.  = G.

24.  = F.

25.  = C.

26.  = B.


Credit must be given to Wikipedia, Websters and my brain.

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