Friday, May 30, 2014

Match A Director In Column "A" With A Movie In Column "B"

Match a Director In Column “A” With a Movie In Column “B”

The correct matching letter is below!


                A                                                                        B

1.      Jim Abrahams                                            A.  Hannah and Her Sisters

2.      J.J. Abrams                                                 B.  Harold and Maude

3.      Robert Burgess Aldrich                            C.  Hellraiser

4.      Woody Allen                                              D.  Pearl Harbor

5.      Robert Altman                                           E.  Reds

6.      Wes Anderson                                            F.  Hot Shots!

7.      Ken Annakin                                               G.  The Muse

8.      Michael Apted                                            H.  The Dirty Dozen

9.      Hal Ashby                                                     I.   Blazing Saddles

10.  Richard Attenborough                               J.  Beetlejuice

11. Clive Barker                                                 K.   MASH

12.  Michael Bay                                                 L.   Deliverance

13.  Warren Beatty                                           M.  True Lies

14.  Harry Beaumont                                        N.  Swiss Family Robinson

15.  Ingmar Bergman                                        O.  The Piano

16.  Luc Besson                                                  P.   The Royal Tenebaums

17.  Bruce Bilson                                               Q.   It’s A Wonderful Life

18.  Peter Bogdonovich                                    R.  Through A Glass Darkly

19.  John Boorman                                            S.  The World Is Not Enough

20.  Kenneth Branagh                                       T.  The Fifth Element

21.  Albert Brooks                                              U. Chattanooga Choo Choo

22.  Mel Brooks                                                   V.  Star Wars Episode VII

23.  Tim Burton                                                  W. The Last Picture Show

24. James Cameron                                           X. Wild Wild West

25. Jane Campion                                               Y. When Ladies Meet

26. Frank Capra                                                   Z.  Jurassic Park



Answers below



1.      = F.

2.      = V.

3.      = H.

4.      = A.

5.      = K.

6.      = P.

7.      = N.

8.      = S.

9.      = B.

10.  = Z.

11.  = C.

12.  = D.

13.  = ES.

14.  = Y.

15.  = R.

16.  = T.

17.  = U.

18.  = W.

19.  = L.

20.  = X.

21.  = G.

22.  = I.

23.  = J.

24.  = M.

25.  = O.

26.  = Q.


Credit must be given to Wikipedia, Websters and my brain.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Dear Mayor of Seattle.


     I've been a resident of Seattle for almost 63 years.  To say I've seen some changes is an understatement.  There are a few things bugging me which I thought I'd share with you.

1.  Massive new buildings.

     Been in Ballard lately?  It's not just Ballard that a lot of new buildings are being built, it's all over Seattle.  I have no clue where all the people are coming from to fill these new units, but someone thinks they're coming.  With all these new residents coming, certain services are going to be taxed a little more.  Police, fire, water and transit are some I can think of.  Any plans to handle this?

2.  You want more of my money.

     I'm having trouble understanding why Metro riders aren't charged what it actually costs to transport them from point A to point B?  Are we afraid they'll balk at the cost and use a different service?  Same goes for the ferry system.  You want to live in some obscure place, then you pay what it costs to do so.  This pre-school thing of yours.  You want me to fund it via my property taxes, yes?  Just because I own a house doesn't mean I'm sitting on some big pile of money.  Car tabs and property taxes are often used to provide funds for something.  Let those using whatever pay for it.  Nobody subsidizes my hamburger or movie tickets when I go out.

     There are lots of things this city needs and one of them isn't more bike lanes.  By the way, they should be tested, licensed and told to wear bright clothing when riding on the streets.  I also want to know where the money is going to come from to cover the costs for the tunnel boring machine now that it's way behind schedule. 

     Bottom line is, quit trying to reach in my pocket all the time for things YOU want to do!  You might think I'm rich, but I'm not!

Steve Drake
8307 27th Ave NW
Seattle, WA  98117

Thursday, May 15, 2014

In What State Are These Cities - Quiz 1

In What State Is It - Quiz #1

State of Confusion!


1.      Davenport.

2.      Butte.

3.      Norfolk.

4.      Winston-Salem.

5.      Scottsdale.

6.      Aurora.

7.      Akron.

8.      Columbus.

9.      Worcester.

10.  Glendale.

11.  Overland Park.

12.  Pembroke Pines.

13.  Fort Collins.

14.  Paterson.

15.  New Haven.

16.  Sterling Heights.

17.  Frisco.

18.  Evansville.

19.  Midland.

20.  Independence.

21.  Murfreesboro.

22.  Downey.

23.  Gresham.

24.  West Jordan.

25.  Broken Arrow.




Answers below


1.      Iowa.

2.      Montana.

3.      Virginia.

4.      North Carolina.

5.      Arizona.

6.      Illinois.

7.      Ohio.

8.      Georgia.

9.      Massachusetts.

10.  California.

11.  Kansas.

12.  Florida.

13.  Colorado.

14.  New Jersey.

15.  Connecticut.

16.  Michigan.

17.  Texas.

18.  Indiana.

19.  Texas.

20.  Missouri.

21.  Tennessee.

22.  California.

23.  Oregon.

24.  Utah.

25.  Oklahoma.



Credit must be given to Wikipedia and my brain

Friday, May 9, 2014

Abbreviations - Quiz #1

Abbreviations - Quiz #1



1.      NHL.

2.      NASA.

3.      NOAA.

4.      ABBR.

5.      ASAP.

6.      NBA.

7.      MBA.

8.      CIA.

9.      NYPD.

10.  AKC.

11.  NRA.

12.  BBC.

13.  TNT.

14.  CFL.

15.  NAACP.

16.  FYI.

17.  LOL.

18.  LLC.

19.  NSA.

20.  ATM.

21.  PBA.

22.  HTML.

23.  SMS.

24.  FM.

25.  AM.

26.  MLB.

27.  FDIC.

28.  FAA.

29.  AARP.

30.  PVC.






Answers below


1.      National Hockey League.

2.      National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

3.      National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association.

4.      Abbreviation.

5.      As Soon As Possible.

6.      National Basketball Association.

7.      Master of Business Administration.

8.      Central Intelligence Agency.

9.      New York Police Department.

10.  American Kennel Club.

11.  National Rifle Association.

12.  British Broadcasting Corporation.

13.  Turner Network Television.

14.  Canadian Football League.

15.  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

16.  For Your Information.

17.  Laughing Out Loud.

18.  Limited Liable Company.

19.  National Security Agency.

20.  Automated Teller Machine.

21.  Professional Bowlers Association.

22.  Hyper Text Markup Language.

23.  Short Message Service.

24.  Frequency Modulation.

25.  Amplitude Modulation.

26.  Major League Baseball.

27.  Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

28.  Federal Aviation Administration.

29.  American Association of Retired Persons.

30.  Polyvinyl Chloride.



Credit must be given to Wikipedia and my brain