Friday, May 9, 2014

Abbreviations - Quiz #1

Abbreviations - Quiz #1



1.      NHL.

2.      NASA.

3.      NOAA.

4.      ABBR.

5.      ASAP.

6.      NBA.

7.      MBA.

8.      CIA.

9.      NYPD.

10.  AKC.

11.  NRA.

12.  BBC.

13.  TNT.

14.  CFL.

15.  NAACP.

16.  FYI.

17.  LOL.

18.  LLC.

19.  NSA.

20.  ATM.

21.  PBA.

22.  HTML.

23.  SMS.

24.  FM.

25.  AM.

26.  MLB.

27.  FDIC.

28.  FAA.

29.  AARP.

30.  PVC.






Answers below


1.      National Hockey League.

2.      National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

3.      National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association.

4.      Abbreviation.

5.      As Soon As Possible.

6.      National Basketball Association.

7.      Master of Business Administration.

8.      Central Intelligence Agency.

9.      New York Police Department.

10.  American Kennel Club.

11.  National Rifle Association.

12.  British Broadcasting Corporation.

13.  Turner Network Television.

14.  Canadian Football League.

15.  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

16.  For Your Information.

17.  Laughing Out Loud.

18.  Limited Liable Company.

19.  National Security Agency.

20.  Automated Teller Machine.

21.  Professional Bowlers Association.

22.  Hyper Text Markup Language.

23.  Short Message Service.

24.  Frequency Modulation.

25.  Amplitude Modulation.

26.  Major League Baseball.

27.  Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

28.  Federal Aviation Administration.

29.  American Association of Retired Persons.

30.  Polyvinyl Chloride.



Credit must be given to Wikipedia and my brain

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