Sunday, July 20, 2014

Acronym Quiz #2

Acronym Quiz - #2

Another one?

If you read any news, you’ve no doubt seen the following acronyms.  Your task is to see just how many of these everyday acronyms you actually know.  Good luck!

1.      FBI.

2.      CFO.

3.      NFL.

4.      AOL.

5.      IOU.

6.      IPA.

7.      4H.

8.      DSL.

9.      OTC.

10.  HUD.

11.  SEC.

12.  AARP.

13.  BBB.

14.  ISP.

15.  NYSE.

16.  IPO.

17.  BBC.

18.  YMCA.

19.  DEA.

20.  AWD.

21.  EU.

22.  GOP.

23.  AMEX.

24.  WWW.

25.  MADD.

26.  NEA.

27.  Wi-Fi.

28.  KKK.

29.  ABC.

30.  GDP.

Answers below.

1.      Federal Bureau of Intelligence.

2.      Chief Financial Officer.

3.      National Football League.

4.      America Online.

5.      I Owe You.

6.      Indian Pale Ale.

7.      Head, Heart, Hands, Health.

8.      Digital Subscriber Line.

9.      Over The Counter.

10.  (Dept. of) Housing and Urban Development.

11.  Securities and Exchange Commission.

12.  American Association of Retired Persons.

13.  Better Business Bureau.

14.  Internet Service Provider.

15.  New York Stock Exchange.

16.  Initial Public Offering.

17.  British Broadcasting Corporation.

18.  Young Men’s Christian Association.

19.  Drug Enforcement Agency.

20.  All-Wheel Drive.

21.  European Union.

22.  Grand Old Party.

23.  American Express.

24.  World Wide Web.

25.  Mothers Against Drunk Drivers.

26.  National Education Association.

27.  Wireless Fidelity.

28.  Ku Klux Klan.

29.  American Broadcasting Corporation.

30.  Gross Domestic Product.

Have an idea for a quiz you’d like to see, send me a suggestion and I’ll see what I can do!

Credit must be given to Wikipedia and my brain. 

At any time you can ask me to take you off my email list.  You won’t hurt my feelings!

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