Sunday, July 13, 2014

Weather Quiz - #1

Weather Quiz - #1
Get Your Umbrella Ready!

1.       The most rain to fall in one place in one year in mainland USA was?  A. 204.12”  B. 220.42”  C. 243.43”.

2.       In 1979 ____” of rain fell in 24 hours in Smethport, PA.  A. 62.00”  B. 43.00”  C. 59.12”.

3.       How hot was it in Death Valley on 7/10/13?  A. 129  B. 134  C. 136.

4.       The average temperature for Seattle in August is?  A.81.3  B. 79.8  C. 75.6.

5.       The longest drought in the world’s history lasted how long?  A. 400 years  B. 20 years  C. 150 years.

6.       How many inches of snow were recorded to make the largest snowfall on record?  A. 1,049”  B. 1,100”  C. 1,140”

7.       Tropical Cyclone Olivia gave us the highest wind speeds ever recorded.  How high?  A. 253 mph  B. 233 mph  C. 225 mph.

8.       On the average, one inch of rain is equivalent to how many inches of snow?  A. 10”  B. 1”  C. 5”.

9.       What percentage of winter storm related deaths occur in automobiles?  A. 55%  B. 60%  C. 70%.

10.   Name the scale by which we measure tornadoes strength?  A. Ninja Scale  B. Fujita Scale  C. Karate Scale.

11.   Tornadoes everywhere rotate the same…clockwise.   A. True  B. False

12.   In 1970, a hurricane in Pakistan killed?  A. 700,000  B. 800,000  C. 900,000.

13.   Hurricanes do not occur in the South Atlantic Ocean.  A. True  B. False.

14.   Is it really possible to cook an egg on the sidewalk?  A. Yes  B. No.

15.   What city in New York state is said to have the most snow in the U.S.?  A. NYC  B. Buffalo  C. Rochester.

16.   How fast must winds be, in a snowstorm, to make it a blizzard?  A. 25mph  B. 32mph  C. 35mph.

17.   A cyclone can only form over warm water.  A.True  B. False.

18.   15 degrees celsius = ___ fahrenheit?  A. 52  B. 59  C. 62

19.   The coldest place on earth is?  A. Antarctica.  B. Vostoc, Russia  C. Siberia.

20.   How many days must you have excessively hot weather to be considered to be having a heat wave?  A. 15  B. 10 C. 5.





Answers below



1.       A. 204.12”  1996 in Laurel Mountain, OR.

2.       B. 43.00”  1979 Smetport, PA.

3.       B. 134 degrees.

4.       C. 75.6 degrees.

5.       A. 1571 – 1971.  The Atacama Desert of Chile, the driest place on earth.

6.       C. 1,140” at Mt. Baker Ski Area in Washington State 1998-1999.

7.       A. April 10, 1996 Barrow Island, Australia.

8.       A. 10”.

9.       C. 70%.  The rest are primarily due to heart attacks from over exertions such as shoveling heavy snow or from hypothermia caused by over exposure to the cold.

10.   B. Fujita Scale.

11.   B. In the northern hemisphere tornadoes usually rotate in a counterclockwise direction.

12.   A. 700,000.

13.   A.  True.  The waters are too cold for them to form.

14.   B. No.  An egg needs a temperature of 158 degrees to become firm. 

15.   C. 94” each year. 

16.   C. Sustained speeds of 35 mph.

17.   A.  Water where the temp is 79.7 degrees and above.

18.   B. 59.

19.   A. Antarctica.

20.   C. 5 consecutive days where temps exceed the average maximum temperature by 5 °.



Credit must be given to Wikipedia and my brain.  To see more quizzes, please visit my blog at

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