Friday, August 22, 2014

Driving Quiz - #1

Driving Quiz - #1
Hang up the phone and drive!

1.       The number of people killed in distraction-affected crashes in 2011 was?  A.4,541  B. 5,235  C. 3,360.

2.       What percentage of drivers under the age of 20 were involved in fatal crashes due to being  distracted at the time of the crash?  A. 8%  B. 10%  C. 12%.

3.       Drivers in their 20s make up what percentage of the distracted drivers in fatal crashes?  A. 27%  B. 32%  C. 43%.

4.       How many states confiscate your vehicle after one DUI arrest?  A. 7  B. 8  C. 9.

5.       How many states don’t confiscate your car for a DUI offense?  A. 19  B. 22  C. 25.

6.       An Ignition Interlock Device is required in how many states after one DUI arrest?  A. 35  B. 38  C. 44.

7.       It takes approximately ___ hours after drinking for the body to completely eliminate alcohol from its system with a BAC level of .08 g/dL.  A. 8  B. 7  C. 6.

8.       In Pennsylvania, motorists must stop at least ___ feet away from school buses that have their red lights flashing and stop arm extended.  A. 10 feet  B. 12 feet  C. 14 feet.

9.       What percent of the teen drivers involved in fatal crashes had been drinking or had a prior moving violation such as speeding.  A. 22%  B. 28%  C. 31%.

10.   In 2005, car crashes were the No. 1 killer of teens.  How many teen drivers died in fatal crashes in 2005.  A. 7,123  B. 7,460  C. 7,678.

11.   When driving in adverse conditions, the proper speed to travel is?  A. The posted speed limit  B. No more than 10 over  C. Only as fast as is safe to drive.

12.   The only time you should drive on the shoulder to pass a car is?  A. Whenever you can  B. Under no circumstances  C. Only when the shoulder is wide enough.

13.   A stop sign has how many sides?  A. 6  B. 8  C. 10.

14.   In 1994, new cars emitted cleaner air than the air in Los Angeles.  A. True  B. False.

15.   At what distance should you stop away from railroad tracks if a train is crossing?  A. About 10 feet away  B. 10 to 15 feet away  C. Between 15 and 50 feet away from the tracks.

16.   When driving, a double solid yellow line indicates?  A. Pass when it’s clear  B. No left turns permitted  C. No passing is allowed.

17.   Is it permissible to drive faster than the speed limit?  A. Never  B. When escaping a crazy person  C. When your wife is pregnant.

18.   When traveling on a two-lane road in normal conditions, you should maintain a following distance of at least?  A. 2 seconds  B. 3 seconds  C. 4 seconds.

19.   Approximately 85% of fatal crashes occurring between midnight and 3 a.m. involve alcohol.  A. True or B. False.

20.   It is legal to park in front of a driveway?  Yes or No.



Answers below


1.       C. 3,360.  It fell slightly in 2012.

2.       B. 10%.  This age group has the largest proportion of drivers who were distracted. 

3.       A. 27%.

4.       B. 8.  Not all states have the same DUI laws.  Some wait until your 4th offense!

5.       A. 19.

6.       B. 38.  Only 3 states don’t require them at all.  Other states do after a 2nd or 3rd offense.

7.       C. 6.

8.       A. 10 feet.

9.       B. 28%.

10.   B. 7,460.

11.   C. Only as fast as is safe to drive.

12.   B.  Under no circumstances.

13.   B. 8.  (Count them)

14.   A. True.

15.   Between 15 and 50 feet away from the tracks. 

16.   C. No passing is allowed.

17.   A.  Under no circumstances.  (A and B should apply and they could be one in the same!)

18.   B. 3 seconds.

19.   B. False.  It’s 75%.

20.   No.  Doesn’t matter if it’s yours!  No!


I apologize for the mistakes I make and appreciate those of you that call my attention to them.  No doubt about it, I have to get a better proof reader!  An attempt is made on my part to try and make each quiz fun, informing and different from all the others.  Feel free to pass this quiz along to anyone you think might enjoy it!  At any time you can ask me to take you off my email list.  You won’t hurt my feelings!


Credit must be given to Wikipedia and my brain.  To see more quizzes, please visit my blog at


Saturday, August 16, 2014

Fowl Quiz - #1

Fowl Quiz - #1
I cry foul!

1.       According to my source, the average female Sebright chicken weighs?  A. 1.2lbs  B. 1.3lbs  C. 1.4lbs.

2.       My source says that in 2003 there were ____ billion chickens in the world.  A. 18 billion  B. 24 billion  C. 28 billion.

3.       Chickens can fly.  True or false?

4.       A “Golden Dorado” is a breed of fowl.  A. True  B. False.

5.       A “Cubalaya” is a breed of fowl.  A. True  B. False.

6.       Which of these is North America's smallest duck?  A. Green-winged Teal  B. Blue-winged Teal  C. Bufflehead.

7.       Young doves and pigeons are called?  A. Chicks  B. Babelettes  C. Squabs.

8.       Due to their efforts in WWI and WWII pigeons were decorated with the Dickin Medal for war contributions?  A. True  B. False.

9.       Our national bird, the bald eagle, appears on most official seals of the U.S. government.  How many arrows does its left talon grasp?  A. 12  B. 13  C. 14.

10.   According to the Guinness Book of Records the greatest dressed weight recorded for a turkey is?  A. 76lbs  B. 81lbs  C. 86lbs.

11.   The largest flying bird is the…..?  A. Andean Condor  B. The Dalmatian Pelican  C. Argentavis Magnificens.

12.   How do you say the word “chicken” in Spanish?  A. el pollo  B. el parajo  C. chicken.

13.   The definition of a “fowl” is a bird used for food.  A. True  B. False.

14.   Not all chickens lay eggs.  A. True  B. False. 

15.   Guinea fowl did not come from New Guinea, they came from Guinea, in Africa.  A. True or B. False.

16.   Crested Guinea Fowl are often used as guard animals.  Yes or No.

17.   Can you raise chickens anywhere you live?  A. Yes  B. No  C. Maybe.

18.   Do chickens lay eggs forever?  A. Yes  B. No  C. Depends.

19.   Are turkey eggs good for you?  A. Yes  B. No.

20.   In order for a hen to lay eggs, does there have to be a rooster present?   A. Yes or B. No.


Answers below


1.       B. 1.3lbs.  The male Sebright averages 1.4lbs.

2.       B. 24 billion.  More than any other type of bird. 

3.       True.  Just not very far.  Many times they use flight to escape danger.

4.       B. It’s a breed of fish.

5.       A. True.

6.       A. Green-winged Teal.

7.       C. Squabs.

8.       A.True.  Thirty-two have received this honor.

9.       B. 13.  Its right talon grasps a 13-leaf olive branch. 

10.   C. 86lbs. 

11.   Technically, the answer is C.  It is the largest bird to have ever flown.  However this bird is extinct and has passed the crown on to B.

12.   A. el pollo.  B is “bird” in Spanish.

13.   A. True.  Fowl are those birds that are raised for food - chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese.

14.   B. False.  All chickens lay eggs and have edible meat.

15.   A. True. 

16.   Yes.  They can be very aggressive and don’t make good pets.

17.   C. Maybe.  It depends on the area where you live.  Check before you go and buy everything!

18.   B. No.  Most don’t.  Production drops off after 2 years of age and can stop.

19.   A. Yes.  We don’t eat them ‘cuz they’re expensive!

20.   B. No. Most hens have never even seen a rooster much less been asked on a date.


I apologize for the mistakes I make and appreciate those of you that call my attention to them.  No doubt about it, I have to get a better proof reader!  An attempt is made on my part to try and make each quiz fun, informing and different from all the others.  Feel free to pass this quiz along to anyone you think might enjoy it!  At any time you can ask me to take you off my email list.  You won’t hurt my feelings!


Credit must be given to Wikipedia and my brain.  To see more quizzes, please visit my blog at


Saturday, August 9, 2014

Trivia Quiz - #3,012

Trivia Quiz - #3,012
Stuff You Might Care Less About!


1.       The US Bureau of Engraving and Printing once printed a $100,000.00 bill.  True or False?

2.       Actor John Wayne made more than ____ movies.  A. 100  B. 200  C. 300

3.       Smokey the Bear has his own zip code.  True or False?

4.       What percentage of American men prefer boxers to briefs?  A. ¼  B. 2/3  C. ½.

5.       Bill Gates house was designed using a Macintosh computer.  True or False?

6.       For every 'normal' webpage, there are __ porn pages.  A. 5  B. 8  C. 10.

7.       In 1998, Sony accidentally sold 700,000 camcorders that had the technology to see through people's clothes.  True or False?

8.       Washington is known as the ________ State.

9.       Of the Three Stooges, which 3 were actually brothers.  A. Moe, Curly and Larry  B. Curly, Larry and Moe  C. Moe, Curly and Shemp.

10.   President George W. Bush and Larry Flint are cousins.  True or False?

11.   20% of tuxedo rentals take place in what month?  A. May  B. June  C. July.

12.   A Boeing 747 airliner holds 57,285 gallons of fuel!  True or False?

13.   A queen bee uses her stinger to do this.  A. Keep the drones in line  B. Sting another queen  C. Keep suitors away.

14.   Buttermilk does not contain any butter.  True or False?

15.   What do you call a litter of kittens?  A. Kindle  B. Pod  C. Batch.

16.   What percentage of Americans secretly bite their toes?  A. 10%  B. 15%  C. 20%.

17.   Billy goats do this to their own heads to smell more attractive to females.  A. Stick their heads in their own poop  B. Urinate on their heads  C. Both A and B.

18.   At horse race tracks, the favorite wins fewer than __% of the time.  A. 15%  B. 25%  C. 30%.

19.   Which bee does the most work?  A. Female  B. Male.

20.   Professional basketball player, Wilt Chamberlain, fouled out of this many games.  A. 0  B. 5  C. 10





Answers below








1.       True.  Use was discontinued in 1969.

2.       B. 200.

3.       True.  20252.

4.       B. 2/3.

5.       Sad, but True.

6.       A. 5.

7.       True.

8.       The Evergreen State.

9.       C.  Moe, Curly and Shemp.

10.   False.  He’s a cousin of Hugh Hefner.

11.   A. May.

12.   True.

13.   B. She only uses it to sting another queen.

14.   True.

15.   A. Kindle.

16.   B. 15%.  (Yuk).

17.   B. Urinate on their heads.

18.   30%.

19.   A. Female.

20.   A. 0.



Credit must be given to Wikipedia and my brain.  To see more quizzes, please visit my blog at

At any time you can ask me to take you off my email list.  You won’t hurt my feelings!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Attendance Quiz - #1

Attendance Quiz - #1
Raise your hand when called.

1.       In 2002, the Seattle Mariners drew this many total fans at home.  A. 2,980,376  B. 3,098,265  C. 3,540,482.

2.       When attending a funeral you should wear?  A. All black  B. Casual clothing  C. Very revealing clothing.

3.       Some Seattle area taxi drivers recently attended a charm school.  True or false?

4.       In 2004, a Harvard study showed that __% of students entering the 9th grade will graduate on time.  A. 74%  B. 68%  C. 64%.

5.       My source tells me that we’ve attended this movie more times than any other .  A. Gone With The Wind  B. Star Wars: A New Hope  C. ET.

6.       An “attending physician” is a?  A. Doctor still in school  B. Doctor that has completed residency  C. Doctor hanging out at a hospital picking up shifts.

7.       Seattle put on a World’s Fair in 1962.  How many attended?  A. 8.5 million  B. 9 million  C. Almost 10 million.

8.       If you wanted to attend an event in the world’s largest stadium you’d go where?  A. Rungrado May Day Stadium in N. Korea  B. Beaver Stadium in Pennsylvania  C. Michigan Stadium in Ann Arbor Michigan.

9.       Can anyone attend an execution?  Yes or No.

10.   The way to say “attend” in Spanish is?  A. La chatarra  B. Asistir  C. El angulo.

11.   A company known as VAXA produces a pill, called Attend, they say helps with memory.  True or False.

12.   If you made plans to attend the 2015 version of South by Southwest Conference, Festival, and Trade Show, what city would you need to be in?  A. Dallas, TX  B. Amarillo, TX  C. Austin, TX.

13.   According to my source, __% of Americans attend church regularly.  A. 20%  B. 22%  C. 31%.

14.   Movie theater owners are talking about lowering ticket prices one day a week.  True or False.

15.   Can anyone off the street attend the SEMA (Specialty Equipment Market Association) Show in Las Vegas?  Yes or No.

16.   In 2005, the 4 main components of Walt Disney World had an average daily attendance of?  A. 105,654 B. 109,128 C. 117,260.

17.   The number one attended outdoor music show ever was??  A. Garth Brooks in Central Park  B. New York Philharmonic in Central Park  C. Rod Stewart at Copacabana Beach.

18.   From 2008 – 2013, the Seahawks have had an average attendance of?  A. 67,354  B. 67,489  C. 67,989.

19.   When attending a Muslim funeral are women allowed at the burial site?  Yes or No.

20.   What percentage of South American countries attended the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics?  A. 50%  B. 60%  C. 75%


Answers below


1.       C. 3,540,482.  League average was 2,207,891 that same year.

2.       B. Casual is fine.  Common sense says to NOT do C.  Black shows a sign of grieving and sympathy. 

3.       True.  Competition is stiff so some drivers are trying to improve their image.

4.       B. 68%.  Graduating rates differ for each ethnic group.

5.       A. Gone With The Wind sold 225.7 million tickets compared to 194.4 and 161 respectfully.

6.       B. “An attending physician (also known as an attending, rendering doc, or staff physician) is a physician (D.O. or M.D.) who has completed residency and practices medicine in a clinic or hospital.”

7.       C. Almost 10 million.

8.       A. It seats 150,000.  You can witness sports and executions!

9.       No is generally the answer.  Typically you have to be invited by the family or the person being executed.

10.   B. Asistir.

11.   True.  It supposedly helps with ADHD, too.

12.   C. Austin, TX.

13.   A. 20%.

14.   According to my source, this is true.  Attendance has been going down for a number of years.  They think this might help boost attendance!

15.   Although it looks like fun, you cannot attend unless you are someone from that industry.. 

16.   C. 117,260.  Some days they’ve been known to close the parks and not let anymore in!

17.   C. Rod Stewart drew 3.5 million people to a 1994 New Year’s Eve show.

18.   B. 67,489.  Not bad for a stadium that can seat 67,000!

19.   This is an old tradition and it may be changing, but for now, no.

20.   A. 50%.


I apologize for the mistakes I make and appreciate those of you that call my attention to them.  No doubt about it, I have to get a better proof reader!  An attempt is made on my part to try and make each quiz fun, informing and different from all the others.  Feel free to pass this quiz along to anyone you think might enjoy it!  At any time you can ask me to take you off my email list.  You won’t hurt my feelings!


Credit must be given to Wikipedia and my brain.  To see more quizzes, please visit my blog at