Friday, August 22, 2014

Driving Quiz - #1

Driving Quiz - #1
Hang up the phone and drive!

1.       The number of people killed in distraction-affected crashes in 2011 was?  A.4,541  B. 5,235  C. 3,360.

2.       What percentage of drivers under the age of 20 were involved in fatal crashes due to being  distracted at the time of the crash?  A. 8%  B. 10%  C. 12%.

3.       Drivers in their 20s make up what percentage of the distracted drivers in fatal crashes?  A. 27%  B. 32%  C. 43%.

4.       How many states confiscate your vehicle after one DUI arrest?  A. 7  B. 8  C. 9.

5.       How many states don’t confiscate your car for a DUI offense?  A. 19  B. 22  C. 25.

6.       An Ignition Interlock Device is required in how many states after one DUI arrest?  A. 35  B. 38  C. 44.

7.       It takes approximately ___ hours after drinking for the body to completely eliminate alcohol from its system with a BAC level of .08 g/dL.  A. 8  B. 7  C. 6.

8.       In Pennsylvania, motorists must stop at least ___ feet away from school buses that have their red lights flashing and stop arm extended.  A. 10 feet  B. 12 feet  C. 14 feet.

9.       What percent of the teen drivers involved in fatal crashes had been drinking or had a prior moving violation such as speeding.  A. 22%  B. 28%  C. 31%.

10.   In 2005, car crashes were the No. 1 killer of teens.  How many teen drivers died in fatal crashes in 2005.  A. 7,123  B. 7,460  C. 7,678.

11.   When driving in adverse conditions, the proper speed to travel is?  A. The posted speed limit  B. No more than 10 over  C. Only as fast as is safe to drive.

12.   The only time you should drive on the shoulder to pass a car is?  A. Whenever you can  B. Under no circumstances  C. Only when the shoulder is wide enough.

13.   A stop sign has how many sides?  A. 6  B. 8  C. 10.

14.   In 1994, new cars emitted cleaner air than the air in Los Angeles.  A. True  B. False.

15.   At what distance should you stop away from railroad tracks if a train is crossing?  A. About 10 feet away  B. 10 to 15 feet away  C. Between 15 and 50 feet away from the tracks.

16.   When driving, a double solid yellow line indicates?  A. Pass when it’s clear  B. No left turns permitted  C. No passing is allowed.

17.   Is it permissible to drive faster than the speed limit?  A. Never  B. When escaping a crazy person  C. When your wife is pregnant.

18.   When traveling on a two-lane road in normal conditions, you should maintain a following distance of at least?  A. 2 seconds  B. 3 seconds  C. 4 seconds.

19.   Approximately 85% of fatal crashes occurring between midnight and 3 a.m. involve alcohol.  A. True or B. False.

20.   It is legal to park in front of a driveway?  Yes or No.



Answers below


1.       C. 3,360.  It fell slightly in 2012.

2.       B. 10%.  This age group has the largest proportion of drivers who were distracted. 

3.       A. 27%.

4.       B. 8.  Not all states have the same DUI laws.  Some wait until your 4th offense!

5.       A. 19.

6.       B. 38.  Only 3 states don’t require them at all.  Other states do after a 2nd or 3rd offense.

7.       C. 6.

8.       A. 10 feet.

9.       B. 28%.

10.   B. 7,460.

11.   C. Only as fast as is safe to drive.

12.   B.  Under no circumstances.

13.   B. 8.  (Count them)

14.   A. True.

15.   Between 15 and 50 feet away from the tracks. 

16.   C. No passing is allowed.

17.   A.  Under no circumstances.  (A and B should apply and they could be one in the same!)

18.   B. 3 seconds.

19.   B. False.  It’s 75%.

20.   No.  Doesn’t matter if it’s yours!  No!


I apologize for the mistakes I make and appreciate those of you that call my attention to them.  No doubt about it, I have to get a better proof reader!  An attempt is made on my part to try and make each quiz fun, informing and different from all the others.  Feel free to pass this quiz along to anyone you think might enjoy it!  At any time you can ask me to take you off my email list.  You won’t hurt my feelings!


Credit must be given to Wikipedia and my brain.  To see more quizzes, please visit my blog at


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