Saturday, August 16, 2014

Fowl Quiz - #1

Fowl Quiz - #1
I cry foul!

1.       According to my source, the average female Sebright chicken weighs?  A. 1.2lbs  B. 1.3lbs  C. 1.4lbs.

2.       My source says that in 2003 there were ____ billion chickens in the world.  A. 18 billion  B. 24 billion  C. 28 billion.

3.       Chickens can fly.  True or false?

4.       A “Golden Dorado” is a breed of fowl.  A. True  B. False.

5.       A “Cubalaya” is a breed of fowl.  A. True  B. False.

6.       Which of these is North America's smallest duck?  A. Green-winged Teal  B. Blue-winged Teal  C. Bufflehead.

7.       Young doves and pigeons are called?  A. Chicks  B. Babelettes  C. Squabs.

8.       Due to their efforts in WWI and WWII pigeons were decorated with the Dickin Medal for war contributions?  A. True  B. False.

9.       Our national bird, the bald eagle, appears on most official seals of the U.S. government.  How many arrows does its left talon grasp?  A. 12  B. 13  C. 14.

10.   According to the Guinness Book of Records the greatest dressed weight recorded for a turkey is?  A. 76lbs  B. 81lbs  C. 86lbs.

11.   The largest flying bird is the…..?  A. Andean Condor  B. The Dalmatian Pelican  C. Argentavis Magnificens.

12.   How do you say the word “chicken” in Spanish?  A. el pollo  B. el parajo  C. chicken.

13.   The definition of a “fowl” is a bird used for food.  A. True  B. False.

14.   Not all chickens lay eggs.  A. True  B. False. 

15.   Guinea fowl did not come from New Guinea, they came from Guinea, in Africa.  A. True or B. False.

16.   Crested Guinea Fowl are often used as guard animals.  Yes or No.

17.   Can you raise chickens anywhere you live?  A. Yes  B. No  C. Maybe.

18.   Do chickens lay eggs forever?  A. Yes  B. No  C. Depends.

19.   Are turkey eggs good for you?  A. Yes  B. No.

20.   In order for a hen to lay eggs, does there have to be a rooster present?   A. Yes or B. No.


Answers below


1.       B. 1.3lbs.  The male Sebright averages 1.4lbs.

2.       B. 24 billion.  More than any other type of bird. 

3.       True.  Just not very far.  Many times they use flight to escape danger.

4.       B. It’s a breed of fish.

5.       A. True.

6.       A. Green-winged Teal.

7.       C. Squabs.

8.       A.True.  Thirty-two have received this honor.

9.       B. 13.  Its right talon grasps a 13-leaf olive branch. 

10.   C. 86lbs. 

11.   Technically, the answer is C.  It is the largest bird to have ever flown.  However this bird is extinct and has passed the crown on to B.

12.   A. el pollo.  B is “bird” in Spanish.

13.   A. True.  Fowl are those birds that are raised for food - chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese.

14.   B. False.  All chickens lay eggs and have edible meat.

15.   A. True. 

16.   Yes.  They can be very aggressive and don’t make good pets.

17.   C. Maybe.  It depends on the area where you live.  Check before you go and buy everything!

18.   B. No.  Most don’t.  Production drops off after 2 years of age and can stop.

19.   A. Yes.  We don’t eat them ‘cuz they’re expensive!

20.   B. No. Most hens have never even seen a rooster much less been asked on a date.


I apologize for the mistakes I make and appreciate those of you that call my attention to them.  No doubt about it, I have to get a better proof reader!  An attempt is made on my part to try and make each quiz fun, informing and different from all the others.  Feel free to pass this quiz along to anyone you think might enjoy it!  At any time you can ask me to take you off my email list.  You won’t hurt my feelings!


Credit must be given to Wikipedia and my brain.  To see more quizzes, please visit my blog at


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