Saturday, April 5, 2014

U.S. Trivia Quiz #1

U.S. Trivia Quiz #1

Say What?


1.      Mt. Rushmore features 4 former presidents.  Can you name them?

2.      This US state has almost 38 million residents.  Which one is it?

3.      Which US state is the largest by area?

4.      This US state is the smallest in land mass.

5.      What US state has the smallest population?

6.      I-90 is the longest Interstate Highway in the United States.  True or false?

7.      This mountain is the tallest in the US.

8.      This lake is the deepest in the US.

9. ranks this country’s worst disasters.  Can you name the top 4?

10.  According to my source, this US University has the largest enrollment.

11.  What is the salary of Barack Obama?

12.  How many members does the House of Representatives have?

13.  Once elected to the House of Representatives, how long would your first term last?

14.  According to Wikipedia, what was the US population in 2012?

15.  According to Wikipedia, how many US states have volcanoes?

16.  The border separating Mexico and the US is this long.

17.  Approximately how many primary airports are there in the US?

18.  Barrow, Alaska is the coldest city in the US.  How cold is their average annual temp?

19.  Phoenix, AZ spends how many days a year over 100 degrees?

20.  Hawaii became a state in what year?





Answers below


1.      T. Roosevelt., George Washington, Abe Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson.

2.      California.

3.      Alaska.
4.      Rhode Island.

5.      Wyoming.

6.       True.  3,101.13 miles long.

7.      Mt. McKinley.  20,236’.

8.      Crater Lake, OR.

9.      1. 9/11.  2. Slavery.  3. US Civil War.  4. George W. Bush selected president 2000-2008.

10.  Arizona State University.

11.  $400,000.00 + $50k spending allowance.  (Was $200,000.00 until 1999.)

12.  Can only have 435.

13.  Two years.

14.  313.91 million.

15.  18.

16.  1,954 miles.

17.  375.

18.  11.7 degrees.

19.  107.

20.  8/21/59.




Credit must be given to Wikipedia and my brain

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