Saturday, April 5, 2014

Computer Knowledge Quiz #1

Computer Knowledge Quiz #1

They’re Older Than You Think!


1.      This person is considered the father of the computer.

2.      Which came first, analog or digital computers?

3.      Computers played a part in WWII, true or false?

4.      In 1954, the IBM 650 was released.  What did it cost?

5.      The first disk storage unit had how much storage?

6.      He is considered the father of the supercomputer.

7.      This computer is considered to be the first personal computer.

8.      How many bytes make up a kilobyte?

9.      Apple I & II, TRS-80 and Commodore Pet were introduced in what year?

10.  Atari released their 400 and 800 models in this year.

11.  Who is considered to be the inventor of the home computer?

12.  What does LAN for?

13.  This company introduced the first commercial desktop computer.

14.  What does DOS stand for?

15.  These 2 co-founded Microsoft.

16.  HTTP is short for what?

17.  Before there was the internet we had BBS’s.  What were they?

18.  This company released what was considered to be the first laptop.

19.  What do RAM and ROM stand for?

20.  Can you name the 3 guys that co-founded Apple?



Answers below


1.      Charles Babbage.  Early 19th century.

2.      Analog.  Digital computers came along in the early 1950’s.

3.      True.  They were used to break codes.

4.      $500,000.00.  $4.39 million in 2014 bucks.

5.      5 megabytes.  It cost $10,000.00 then.

6.      Seymour Cray.

7.      Altair 8800.

8.      1000 or 1024 depending on who you talk to.

9.      1976/1977.

10.  1979.

11.  Steve Jobs.

12.  Local Area Network.

13.  The Programma 101 by Olivetti in 1965.

14.  Disk Operating System.

15.  Paul Allen and Bill Gates.

16.  Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.

17.  Bulletin Board Systems.  You had to have a password and or know the sys-op to get on.

18.  Gavilan Computer Corp released the Gavilan SC, released in 1983.

19.  Random Access Memory and Read Only Memory.

20.  Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne on April 1, 1976.

Credit must be given to Wikipedia and my brain

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