Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Human Body - Quiz #1

The Human Body - Quiz #1
The leg bone is connected to the……..
1.      The typical adult body has how many bones?
2.      Name the longest bone in the body.
3.      Name the smallest bone in the body and name where it resides.
4.      How many muscles are in the human body?
5.      Please tell me how much an average male heart weighs.
6.      The Latissimus Dorsi muscle is the largest human muscle, true or false?
7.      An eye transplant consists of removing and replacing the entire eyeball, true or false?
8.      The human body has how many vertebrae?
9.      The large intestine is how long?
10.  Can you name the largest organ of the human body?
11.  The largest internal organ is also the heaviest.  What is it and how much does it weigh?
12.  Which one of these carries blood away from the heart?  Capillaries, veins or arteries?
13.  The average adult has this much blood in their body.
14.  By weight, the average human adult male is approximately what percentage water?
15.  In 2004, male life expectancy was reported to be?
16.  Hot chocolate is very good for your brain, true or false?
17.  Where is your rotator cuff located?
18.  Many experts say we should consume how many cups of water per day?
19.  What body temperature is considered to be “normal” for most humans?
20.  This tissue is found between bones.  What is it called?
21.  The rate or speed of hair growth is about?
22.  Fingernails require how long to regrow completely?
23.  Factors such as food, drink, and diseases can affect body odor, true or false? 
24.  This organ, of the human body, aids in balance and body position.  Name it.
25.  The human bladder can hold how much urine?
Answers below


1.      206.

2.      The femur.  It is also the heaviest and can measure up to 19.5”.

3.      The stapes.  It’s part of your ear.

4.      Around 640.

5.      10-12 ounces.  Female hearts weigh 8-10 ounces..

6.      False.  It’s the Gluteus Maximus.

7.      False.  The cornea is the part that’s removed and replaced.

8.      There are normally 33 vertebrae in humans.

9.      Approximately 4.9’ long.

10.  Your skin.  It weighs around 6 pounds.

11.  The liver.  3.5 pounds.

12.  Arteries.

13.  1.3 gallons.

14.  60%.

15.  75.2 according to the CDC.

16.  True.  It’s not just delicious but also very nutritious for your brain.

17.  The rotator cuff is a group of tendons and muscles in the shoulder.

18.  8-10 8oz cups.

19.  98.6.

20.  Cartilage.

21.  .5” a month or approx. 6” a year.

22.  Three to six months.  Toenails take longer. 

23.  True.  An individual's body odor is also influenced by lifestyle, sex, genetics, and medication.

24.  The ear.

25.  Between 15 and 30 ounces approx.



Credit must be given to Wikipedia and my brain

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