Thursday, February 10, 2011



    Ever use craigslist?  I do all the time.  Not every day maybe, but whenever I get a hankering to buy something, and I don't care of it's used, craigslist is the first place I look.  ebay is a great place when you need the world to shop for something.  craigslist works really good when I'm looking for something like a camera for instance.  'Cuz we're going to Maui soon, I decided to look for a DVD camcorder.  The one I have uses tapes and is a bit bigger than I care to pack every where we go. 

   The first day I looked, I put "DVD camcorder" in the search space and back came a number of selections.  I selected one and called or emailed the seller.  No return call or email.  This is the one area that bugs me about craigslist.  When an item sells, the seller will either forget to remove it or they just wait until the item gets taken down I guess.  Anyway, the 2nd time I searched, I found a listing for a "brand new still in the original box" Sony Handycam.  Cool.  It normally listed for $300.00 or more and the fellow wanted $100.00.  Sign me up!  (I did do some research and found them for $300.00.  Refurbished, they sold for $150.00 on up.  On ebay, they're selling for $150.00 up + shipping.)  When I emailed him, he still had it.  We emailed back and forth until last Saturday, when we met up in Lynnwood.  The item is just what I wanted.  It takes stills and video and use 2 different kinds of media for storage.  The thing I really like about is it fits in my hand and can use reusable dvd's.  I can now add this purchase to my ever growing list of awesome purchases on craigslist.  If you've never used craislist, try it.  There are no fees and all items listed are usually pretty close.  Unlike ebay, you can look the item over before handing your money over.  A win win for both sides!

Big Dogg out!

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