Friday, February 18, 2011

Junk email.

Is it my imagination or am I getting more junk email than ever?  I swear I get at least 100, if not more, "automatically thrown into the junk email folder" emails every day.  There's usually a few that sneak through to my Inbox 'cuz I once clicked on one of them, now they feel like they have carte blanche to land wherever.   Many of these junk emails say they can extend the length of my penis if I'll only take their supplement.  Hey, my wifes not complaining, so I'm not going there!  These could be from old girlfriends, but I'm not going there either.  Then there's the emails telling me I'm paying too much for my prescriptions.  Because we have good health care coverage, we only pay $5.00 per medication, so I'm not going there either.  Now that I'm on Facebook, I'm constantly told someone wants to flirt with me on Facebook.  I easily get 10 - 15 of those a day.  Have you gotten any emails telling you about Naughty Facebook?  Gee, I wonder what that is?  I guess if I was looking for a job, the emails telling me about how I can work at home and make $500.00 a day "part time" might be enticing.  You probably have to send more emails to make any money.  Maybe I should take the folks up on the offers I get for "already approved" credit cards.  Now that's spooky.  If they really knew me, they'd stay as far away from me as possible!  Perhaps I should refinance the house? Those emails are in there, too.  Do you think I'll have to fill any paperwork out?  If I refied, then I could buy one of those trucks I keep getting told about.  Problem is, I don't want a truck.  Maybe I should tell them.  One of my favorites is the email I get trying to get me to buy 1,000 light bulbs.  Is this a franchise or do they only last a day or 2?  I'd have to buy more light fixtures to make this one worth while.  It's probably sponsored by the local utility company.  I don't want an iPhone, we already belong to AARP, I don't believe anyone is really going to deposit $1,000.00 in my bank account and I'm not looking for a cheap apartment.  Me and the delete button are going to be regular pals whenever I open my Junk email folder.  If anyone sending me that crap thinks I'm looking at it, they should have their head examined.  By the way, have I ever told you about this doctor I know?  He'll examine you over the computer.  Real talk!

Big Dogg.....out!

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