Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Greetings all and welcome to my first ever blog.  I don't intend to change the world here, I only want to share my thoughts, ideas, musings and play some games.  I won't have much of a blog if I don't get some input from you folks.  All I ask is that we try and keep it clean.

I called my blog what I did 'cuz I couldn't come up with anything else.  I'm up for a new name.  Maybe I'll award a prize for the name I like best.  As I mentioned above, I want to play some games.  I have an idea for a game and we'll see how you all respond.  With any luck, there'll be prizes for that, too! 

One of the games is called, "I'm Thinking of a Person."  At least that's what we called it.  When my parents took us on a road trip, we'd play this game in the car.  No, it wasn't on a Gameboy, iPhone or PSP.  This was back in the '60's when you had to use your brain in more of an imaginative way than kids do today.  Someone would start out by saying they're thinking of a person.  The person had to be someone that everyone playing knows something about.  It couldn't be some obscure person that only people over 80 had ever heard of.  The person could be alive or dead.  The only way for the guessers to extract info is to ask questions like, "Is the person alive?"  The answer giver would say yes or no.  Lets say you want to know what this person did for a living.  You would ask something like, "Was this person in politics?"  I would say yes or no.  A wrong question would be, "Is the person black or white?"  The question should be, "Is the person black?"  I know that not everyone that may play will know something about everyone that I may know something about.  Lets give it a go before we say NO!

I'm anxious to see if I can get an audience.  Your input will be very helpful.  Until we type again, Big Dogg OUT!


  1. about "Live! From the Dogg House" for a name? or Letters from the Dogg House" or Musings from the Dogg House?
    OK..I'm thinking of a person...your'e up!

  2. Big Dogg Barks..sounds like you're mad..but if you like it then that's all that matters. (I still like Musing from the Dogg House)

  3. I never saw the answer to your quiz. Are you going to write a blog for the new year. I enjoyed reading your past blogs and look forward to a new one. I know it must be time comsuming but you were always good at multi-tasking [ watching TV and playing games etc]. I don't know how many people even realize how to find your blog. Well I'll be watching.
