Friday, February 11, 2011

Making movies.


I read an interesting piece, by Chris Daniels, about the number of movies and other Hollywood productions that are or aren't filmed here.  I always find it interesting when watching a movie that is supposed to be taking place here, that seldom do I see actual sites here.  Now I know why!  Apparently this area isn't Hollywood friendly!!  According to Daniels, British Columbia will provide $40 million in incentives, Oregon $12.5 million and Washington $4 million in 2011.  Now I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that when Hollywood shows up to film somewhere, they spend money, yes?  Kind of like when a city hosts the Super Bowl or the Final Four, the area surrounding said event makes out financially.  So what do we do to get back in the good graces of Hollywood?  We know Hollywood will continue to make movies, you and I will continue to watch them and money is going to change hands.  Washington State can use the jobs and money making movies can provide.  I'm not sure how we can reverse our current status, but doing so looks like a win win situation to me.  You?

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