Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Beatles Trivia Quiz - #1

The Beatles Trivia Quiz - #1
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
1.       The Beatles started playing in Liverpool and Hamburg in this year.
2.       Their first manager was?
3.       Who was their first producer?
4.       Their first hit in UK charted in this year.
5.       Soon after, they were given this nickname.
6.       According to my source, The Beatles released 13 albums from 1963 – 1970.  How many can you name?
7.       How old was Paul McCartney when he first met John Lennon?
8.       Before becoming The Beatles, the band had 4 other names.   How many can you remember?
9.       This fellow was the drummer before Ringo.
10.   The Beatles landed at JFK airport on this day.
11.   This song was their first big US hit.
12.   This hipster introduced The Beatle to cannabis.
13.   Who amongst them tried LSD first?
14.   The album Yesterday and Today at first had a controversial cover.  What was on it?
15.   Who taught George Harrison how to play the sitar?
16.   Lennon said something to irritate Christians.  What did he say?
17.   At one point, the band turned to a guru for guidance.  What was his name?
18.   While making this album, the band started to break up.
19.   This keyboard player was the only musician ever to receive label billing on an official Beatles release.
20.   McCartney “officially” left the band on this date.
Answers below
1.       1960.
2.       Brian Epstein.
3.       George Martin.
4.       1962.  Love Me Do.
5.       Fab Four.
6.       Please Please me, With The Beatles, A Hard Day’s Night, Beatles For Sale, Help!, Rubber Soul, Revolver, Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band, Magical Mystery Tour, Yellow Submarine, The White Album, Abbey Road and Let It Be.
7.       15.
8.       The Quarrymen, Beatals, Silver Beetles and Silver Beatles.
9.       Pete Best.
10.   2/7/64.
11.   I Want To Hold Your Hand.
12.   Bob Dylan.
13.   Lennon and Harrison in 1965.  (Their dentist slipped it in their coffee.)
14.   Butchered babies.
15.   Ravi Shankar.
16.   We're more popular than Jesus now.
17.   Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
18.   The White Album.
19.   Billy Preston.
20.   April 10th, 1970.
Credit must be given to Wikipedia and my brain.

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