Tuesday, January 28, 2014

U.S. History Trivia 1960’s Style - Quiz #1

U.S. History Trivia 1960’s Style - Quiz #1

Let’s see how well you remember your youth!


1.      According to my source, US advisory forces first landed in Vietnam in what year?

2.      Approximately how many US servicemen and women died fighting in Vietnam?

3.      The Bay of Pigs took place in 1961.  What was it about?

4.      President Kennedy had to deal with the Cuban Missile Crisis.  What happened in Cuba in 1962?

5.      What Republican candidate did Kennedy defeat in 1960 to become president?

6.      Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his famous speech in 1963.  What was it called?

7.      This Commission declared Lee Harvey Oswald as the lone gunman that shot Kennedy.

8.      A lot of young people tuned out and took this.

9.      The Civil Rights Act became law in this year.

10.  This group of people was a big part of the counterculture of the 1960’s.  Name them.

11.  These two women were at the head of the women’s movement.

12.  Many large US cities saw this happen during the 1960’s.

13.  Lyndon Johnson was often referred to as LBJ.  What did the B stand for?

14.  Sirhan Sirhan is remembered for doing this?

15.  What day was JFK assassinated?

16.  These two Americans were the first to set foot on the moon.

17.  Can you name the first American to orbit the Earth?

18.  The British Invasion began when the The Beatles arrived.  When was that?

19.  Medicaid and Medicare were established in this year.

20.  Chicago police clashed with protesters at this 1968 event.

21.  Richard Nixon was elected President in 1968.  Who was his main competition?

22.  Who was the first American in Space?

23.  The U-2 incident took place on May 1st, 1960.  What happened?

24.  LBJ defeated this Republican for President in 1964.

25.  Young men and women were burning these 2 items in the 1960’s.






Answers below


1.      1961.  700 forces.

2.      58,500

3.      A CIA trained group of Cuban exiles along with US troops tried to overthrow Fidel Castro.

4.      The Soviet Union placed missiles in Cuba and we didn’t like it.  They removed them after we put up a naval blockade and agreed to remove our missiles in Turkey.

5.      Richard Millhouse Nixon.

6.      I Have A Dream.

7.      The Warren Commission.

8.      LSD.

9.      1964.

10.  Hippies.

11.  Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan.

12.  Riots.

13.  Baines.

14.  Shooting Robert Kennedy.

15.  November 22, 1963.

16.  Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.

17.  John Glenn.

18.  February 7th, 1964.

19.  July 30th, 1965 to be exact.

20.  1968 Democratic National Convention.

21.  Vice President Hubert Humphrey.

22.  Alan Shepard.  May 5th, 1961.

23.  A CIA U-2 spy plane was shot down over the Soviet Union.

24.  Republican Barry Goldwater.

25.  Draft cards for men and bra’s for women.




Credit must be given to Wikipedia and my brain

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