Sunday, February 16, 2014

Acronym Quiz - #1

Acronym Quiz - #1


What is an acronym?  According to Bing they’re “words formed from initials: a word formed from the initials or other parts of several words, e.g. "NATO," from the initial letters of "North Atlantic Treaty Organization".  Your task is to see just how many of these everyday acronyms you actually know.  Good luck!


1.       HTML.

2.      CIA.

3.      I/O.

4.      ASAP.

5.      BRB.

6.      FAQ.

7.      WTH.

8.      APR.

9.      CEO.

10.  FDIC.

11.  GNP.

12.  IRS.

13.  NAACP.

14.  IRA.

15.  SMH.

16.  CDC.

17.  IROC.

18.  WTO.

19.  WWII.

20.  4WD.

21.  AKA.

22.  AKC.

23.  XXX.

24.  Y2K.

25.  BYOB.

26.  CPS.

27.  NBC.

28.  OPEC.

29.  TMNT.

30.  MGM.




Answers below.





1.       Hyper Text Markup Language.

2.      Central Intelligence Agency.

3.      Input/Output.

4.      As Soon As Possible.

5.      Be Right Back.

6.      Frequently Asked Questions.

7.      What The Hell.

8.      Annual Percentage Rate.

9.      Chief Executive Officer.

10.  Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

11.  Gross National Product.

12.  Internal Revenue Service.

13.  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

14.  Individual Retirement Account.

15.  Shaking My Head.

16.  Centers for Disease Control.

17.  International Race Of Champions.

18.  World Trade Organization.

19.  World War Two.

20.  Four Wheel Drive.

21.  Also Known As.

22.  American Kennel Club.

23.  Denotes Hard core pornography.

24.  Year Two Thousand.

25.  Bring Your Own Bottle.

26.  Child Protective Services.

27.  National Broadcasting Company.

28.  Organization Of Petroleum Exporting Countries.

29.  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

30.  Metro Goldwyn Mayer.


Credit must be given to Wikipedia and my brain.  To see more quizzes, please visit my blog at

At any time you can ask me to take you off my email list.  You won’t hurt my feelings!

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