Monday, February 10, 2014

General Knowledge Quiz - #1

General Knowledge Quiz - #1
Stuff You Should Know!


1.       The tomato is a member of this food group.

2.       His picture is on our $1.00 bill.  (No looking!)

3.       Seattle is the wettest city in the US.  True or false?

4.       Abraham Lincoln was shot in this theatre.

5.       Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel and Meyer Lansky formed an alliance and did this.

6.       There are 5 lakes that make up the Great Lakes.  How many can you name?

7.       Which state was the last to join the Union, Hawaii or Alaska?

8.       President Kennedy was shot by this lone gunman.  What 3 names do we remember him by?

9.       President Nixon resigned the office due to revelations regarding this.

10.   Mt. St. Helens erupted on this day.

11.   The tallest mountain in the world is?

12.   This ocean is the largest on the planet.

13.   Before becoming Muhammad Ali, he was known as?

14.   JK Rowling authored what series of books?

15.   Who killed Julius Caesar?

16.   Who founded the Kodak Company?

17.   This company produces more cars than any other company.

18.   There are this many keys on an ordinary piano.

19.   What is the speed of sound?

20.   If I take 2 apples out of a basket containing 6 apples how many apples do I have?

21.   She is known as "The Queen of Soul"?

22.   What are the 5 senses in the human body?

23.   Before becoming The Beatles, they were in this band.

24.   This person sits atop the NBA’s all-time points scored list.

25.   When thinking of your computer, what does CPU stand for?

26.   Who performed the first successful heart transplant in 1967?

27.   He is credited with starting Facebook.

28.   A “mile” has this many feet in it.

29.   He is known as “The King” of NASCAR.

30.   What happened at Chernobyl in 1986?





Answers below






1.       Fruit/berry.

2.       Washington.

3.       False.  Mobile, AL.  Seattle didn’t make the top 10 list!

4.       Ford theatre.  April 14, 1865.

5.       Fund casinos in Las Vegas.

6.       Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Ontario and Lake Erie.

7.       Hawaii joined on 8/21/1959.  Alaska joined on 1/3/1959.

8.       Lee Harvey Oswald.

9.       The Watergate scandal.

10.   5/18/1980.

11.   Mount Everest.

12.   The Pacific Ocean.

13.   Cassius Clay.

14.   Harry Potter.

15.   Brutus.

16.   George Eastman

17.   Toyota.

18.   88.

19.   767 mph.

20.   2.  (Think about it.)

21.   Aretha Franklin.

22.   Touch, Smell, Taste, Sight and Hearing.

23.   The Quarrymen.

24.   Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

25.   Central Processing Unit.

26.   Christian Barnard.

27.   Mark Zuckerberg.

28.   5,280’.

29.   Richard Petty.

30.   The worst nuclear power plant accident ever.



Credit must be given to Wikipedia and my brain.

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