Sunday, February 9, 2014

Seattle Trivia Quiz - #1

Seattle Trivia Quiz - #1
Have you seen my umbrella?


1.       The city of Seattle got its name from this person.  Name him.

2.       In 2012, the population of Seattle proper was this much.

3.       The Seattle metro area has this many residents.

4.       The Denny Party arrived at Alki Point on this date. 

5.       The first major industry in Seattle was?

6.       He was the first European to visit Seattle.

7.       In the early days, Yesler Way was known as “Skid Road.”  Why?

8.       The Great Seattle Fire happened in this year.

9.       This well-known finance company was founded right after the fire.

10.   In 1907, 19-year-old James E. Casey borrowed $100 from a friend and founded the American Messenger Company.  Under what name do we know this company today?

11.   The Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition of 1909 was held where another facility is today. 

12.   This event took place in 1919 and was the first of its kind in the country. 

13.   In 1962, this event took place.  What was it called?

14.   What year did Boeing move its corporate headquarters to Chicago?

15.   Microsoft was established in this city before moving to Redmond.

16.   Ted Turner brought this event to the Seattle metro area in 1990.

17.   Seattle hosted this event in 1999 and it would bring the wrong kind of attention to Seattle.  It was called?

18.   Seattle would become a hub for this type of music in the late 1980’s and 1990’s.

19.   The Seattle Supersonics won the NBA Championship in this year?

20.   The 6.8 Nisqually earthquake happened on this date.





Answers below





1.       Chief Seattle, also known as Chief Sealth.  (Pronounced Si’ahl.)

2.       634,535.

3.       3.5 million.

4.       11/13/1851.

5.       Logging.

6.       George Vancouver.  1792.

7.       While logging, timber would be sent skidding down the hill to Henry Yesler's sawmill.

8.       1889.

9.       Washington Mutual.

10.   UPS.

11.   The University of Washington.

12.   The Seattle General Strike.

13.   Century 21 Exposition or 1962 World’s Fair.

14.   2001.

15.   Albuquerque.

16.   The Goodwill Games.

17.   WTO.  (World Trade Organization.)

18.   Grunge.

19.   1979.

20.   2/28/2001.



Credit must be given to Wikipedia and my brain.

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