Thursday, February 13, 2014

General Knowledge Quiz - #2

General Knowledge Quiz - #2
Stuff You Should Know!


1.       Pineapples grow on trees.  True or false?

2.       His picture is on our $5.00 bill.  (No looking!)

3.       The Winter Olympics are held ever y ____ years.

4.       President Kennedy was shot in this US city.

5.       Your computer has ROM and RAM in it.  What do those letters stand for?

6.       Who shot Lee Harvey Oswald?

7.       Name the 3 branches that make up the US Government.

8.       NASA stands for?

9.       Mick Jagger is the lead singer in this band.

10.   Lucille Ball was married to him first.

11.   Regarding time, PST and EST stand for what?

12.   Mt. Hood is in this state.

13.   Before becoming Kareem Abdul Jabbar, he was known as?

14.   How many bones does the human body have?

15.   What is a prime number?

16.   He was the first American to set foot on the moon.

17.   Water boils at this temperature.

18.   Name the 3 primary colors.

19.   The sun always rises in the east and sets in the west.  True or false?

20.   Name the first African-American to play Major League Baseball.

21.   In 1793, Eli Whitney invented what machine?

22.   Seven continents make up the majority of land mass on our planet.  How many can you name and which one is largest?

23.   Johnny Carson hosted what TV show?

24.   He leads all NFL players in rushing yards.

25.   Name the longest river in the world.

26.   Before becoming Iran, we knew this country by this name.

27.   He rode his horse alerting residents that the British are coming.

28.   You can live about this long without water.

29.   This planet is closest to Earth.

30.   The Empire State Building is in this city.





Answers below





1.       They grow on a plant on the ground.

2.       Lincoln.

3.       4.

4.       Dallas.

5.       Read Only Memory and Random Access Memory.

6.       Jack Ruby.

7.       The Executive Branch, The Legislative Branch and the Judicial Branch.

8.       National Aeronautic and Space Administration.

9.       The Rolling Stones.

10.   Desi Arnaz. (1940 – 1960.)

11.   Pacific Standard Time and Eastern Standard Time.

12.   Oregon.

13.   Lew Alcindor.

14.   206.

15.   It can’t be divided evenly by any number other than one and itself.

16.   Neil Armstrong.

17.   212F.

18.   Red, green and blue.

19.   True.

20.   Jackie Robinson.

21.   The cotton gin.

22.   Africa, Antarctica, Australia, Asia, Europe, North America, and South America.  Asia is largest.

23.   The Tonight Show.

24.   Emmitt Smith.  18,355.

25.   The Nile.

26.   Persia.

27.   Paul Revere.

28.   A week.

29.   Venus.

30.   New York City.



Credit must be given to Wikipedia and my brain. 

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